Learning to read is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning. Reading is a means of language acquisition, communication, and of sharing information and ideas. It is a thinking process that allows the reader to use their prior knowledge to understand what they are reading. The Early Learning Center teachers recognize that reading is complex and they utilize multiple methods to intentionally teach pre-reading and reading skills.
These programs and approaches are used to support Early Learning students with literacy.
Fundations: Fundations is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program that benefits Early Learning Center students. It also includes a supplementary activity set for preschool students. Fundations materials are used to teach the foundational skills, and significantly supports reading, writing, speaking, and language expectations found in Ohio’s learning standards. The program addresses all five areas of reading instruction with an emphasis on systematic phonics and word structure.
Heggerty: The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum provides Early Learning Center students with consistent and repeated instruction, and this transfers to developing a student's decoding and encoding skills. It is designed for whole class instruction for approximately 10 minutes per day. Teachers may also reinforce through small groups when additional instruction is needed. The distinction between Fundations and Heggerty is that Fundations focuses on phonics, spelling and handwriting, while Heggerty provides practice for phonemic or oral language.
Kindergarten Reading Groups: Additional reading instruction takes place daily in classrooms through read alouds, read-to-self and small group instruction. Small group reading instruction includes reading exploration through various texts (using both decodable and leveled texts). Small group instruction also includes additional reinforcement with Fundations or Heggerty practices. The Early Learning Center provides additional support in Reading and Writing through our Reading Support Team.